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Tips for character creation?


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I found that the face on my Imperial isn't quite what I'm looking for. I wanted him to be a middle aged man, between 25-35, eager to find a new living in Skyrim. Kinda like Russel Crowe or Leonidas from 300 (though they are a bit older I guess)


Not wanting to use mods, can you give me some tips on how to properly use the sliders and create such a person? Also, wich hairdo should I use?

Edited by Proximitus
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My tip is just to experiment, i found that using the Showracemenu console code works fine with altering the appearance, to be on the safe side you could use this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20394 Changing Sex and Race may cause problem, but General appearance works fine. Also, if you have the Dawnguard DLC you can change your appearance in Riften from a woman in the The Ragged Flagon, It costs 1000 Septims though.
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Middle age is 25 - 35?. Now I feel old. Anyway, I found that Proporsia has some good tips for facegen. The examples shown are female but the basics will work for male as well. I start with the eyes, then nose and mouth. Then I tweak the remaining sliders and attempt to add some character to the face.


As far as hair is concerned, the character should look good in any style. Mine start off bald or very short haired until I'm satisfied with the face and then the hair is just whatever I think suits the character.


Don't expect it to be perfect after one sitting. You may need to go back into showracemenu a few more times under different lighting conditions. As long as you're only changing body weight or facial appearance, showracemenu shouldn't cause any problems.

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