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Main Menu Song Repalcer - Dragonborn DLC Trailer Song


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Hey all! When I watched the trailer for Dragonborn, I was blown away by the epic remix of the Skyrim theme it played. I was hoping someone could cut the song from the trailer(without sound and voice) or find a clean version of the song to use. I'm hoping someone can get the song from the actual DLC when it is released or get it from Bethesda/youtube. Please message me if you find a mod like this or make one. I will love you forver! thanks!


- SquallyDaBeanz

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  • 9 months later...

This already exists if its Malukahs tune you refer to, smeginhell has one called Malukahmainmenu, there are some other by the same lovely lady there as well.


Wrong song. OP is talking about Miraak's theme, the alternate Dragonborn chant and music that so far is only found in the trailer.

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