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Static Items With Scripts Please help..


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Hey i got a mod im making called MegatonFalloutVault wich you can find on the fo3 nexus site but im having trouble with somthing..


When i click the food box ingame to take the food it like unfreezes and spazes everywhere. so i made it so a switch is using a food box texture but then when i fire at the box or press Z to move it ingame it still unfreezes.. Is there anyway to get a static item to have a script? or make somthing so it cannot be moved at all but still have a script?

I really need help on this one my mods future relies on this

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Inazuma22 - Hello!


Not sure what you're trying to do.


"Is there anyway to get a static item to have a script? "


Yes, Activators can be static items & use scripts.


The actual model would need to be a static, most clutter items can easily be turned into statics with Nifskope.


If you need an item to turn into a static at some point but be clutter at others you can create two identical items, with one actually a static, & switch between the two via script.


That's how things like the shotgun trap work, the set trap is a static that once disarmed places a real shotgun into your inventory & changes the trap model.


Hope this helps!



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Thanks for the reply

What i was thinking of is.. in my mod when i go to the food shelve and take somthing off it all the food unfreezes and spazes and gos on the floor. But in the underground hideout mod when you take the food it dosent move or spazz out, Even when you shoot it or press Z

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