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Question about tattoo placement on body texture.

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I'm making custom tattoos. Where in this texture (see attachment)- would I put the tattoo so it is just above the elbow on the back of the arm?


If you need me to elaborate further on the idea, I have more photos.

Edited by Hope852456
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You can see a vague hint of a crease on the interior of the elbow on each side of the posted image in the central body section. That would be a good starting point for where to look. So slightly inward of that.


How I'd do it, using only that file as a template, is to make multiple copies of the template, then apply the tattoo to one, check it in game, then do it again if necessary until you "get it right"

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You can see a vague hint of a crease on the interior of the elbow on each side of the posted image in the central body section. That would be a good starting point for where to look. So slightly inward of that.


How I'd do it, using only that file as a template, is to make multiple copies of the template, then apply the tattoo to one, check it in game, then do it again if necessary until you "get it right"

Thanks for the reply. First one I've gotten on this forum :laugh: . Could you put little red marks or indicators on the image (like in Microsoft Paint) to help me get a lil closer? Thanks again for the help :laugh:

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Could you put little red marks or indicators on the image (like in Microsoft Paint) to help me get a lil closer? Thanks again for the help

Nope. I don't have an external site where I store photos. I usually rely on the internal abilities of sites on which I post, but nexus requires links.


DieFem showed it pretty well.

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