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Hopefully I'm not annoying anyone but whenever I attempt to load Skyrim (via the skse_loader.exe)

I always get an instant crash, no bethesda logo or anything. I have tried a clean install and sorted

my load order through BOSS. I disabled one mod which I knew was causing a crash (in-game)which

was not needed for any others, but something is causing a conflict =/


I've attached a text file of my load order so hopefully someone will be able to enlighten me as to what is causing this problem and the subsequent frustration.


Edit: I am using the latest version of skse as well as the most recent skyrim patch






Edited by TheVangaurd
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Have you tried to disable all mods and then run Skyrim? I know for a fact that some mod can cause CTD's before even getting to the Bethesda Logo, Usually it has to do with the Load Order. Can you try to run without mods and then get back to me?
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