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Character and companions are invisible


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This is a problem I've, actually, had for a while lol. My original post was about my elves just having invisible hands and feet, but after i downloaded the Edge Sisters mod, I noticed it was not only hands and feet, but also entire naked bodies (Yes, only the bodies. The heads stick around.) I've checked my mods and plugins and did some rearranging, tested the game itself, then ran BOSS and tested once more. This problem persists! This is something i cant help myself with, so I'm asking you all for help..

I've checked my personal character and companion Armwn (Who both have those ragged under-garbs). Since they have that covering, only hands and feet are gone. Putting on armor displays armor but taking it off will not reveal the flesh. I cannot post a screenshot of what it looks like (I'll look into trying to make screenshots, because steam isn't allowing me to make SS.. mainly because i have the pirates bay version of Skyrim and not the bought legit version :mad: )..

I'm not sure what the conflict is, or maybe there's a patch that was deleted... I uninstalled all the appearance improving mods and tested the game, the problem yet persists! :( Any ideas?

Edited by iDante
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This is a problem I've, actually, had for a while lol. My original post was about my elves just having invisible hands and feet, but after i downloaded the Edge Sisters mod, I noticed it was not only hands and feet, but also entire naked bodies (Yes, only the bodies. The heads stick around.) I've checked my mods and plugins and did some rearranging, tested the game itself, then ran BOSS and tested once more. This problem persists! This is something i cant help myself with, so I'm asking you all for help..

I've checked my personal character and companion Armwn (Who both have those ragged under-garbs). Since they have that covering, only hands and feet are gone. Putting on armor displays armor but taking it off will not reveal the flesh. I cannot post a screenshot of what it looks like (I'll look into trying to make screenshots, because steam isn't allowing me to make SS.. mainly because i have the <<illegal site removed> version of Skyrim and not the bought legit version :mad: )..

I'm not sure what the conflict is, or maybe there's a patch that was deleted... I uninstalled all the appearance improving mods and tested the game, the problem yet persists! :( Any ideas?





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