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Try Bandicam it does put the video and audio together and your allow to record up to 10mins on a free version. Free version, on the other hand, the only inconvinient is the watermark for bandicam will be dispalyed on your videos. Licensed version will remove that. You can watch my Arcane fist's mod first vid to see how it look like once recorded. Edited by Kmikaz3
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Now I read about Bandicam, what does the 10 minutes free mean? I can record 10 minutes, delete and record another 10? Or what?


Yup its your free 10 mins. Licensed version is 30mins or something like that

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The free version of Fraps is limited to 30 seconds and has a watermark...I've used it before but itsa pain splicing together a bunch of 30 second clips. I may try Bandicam since 10 minutes is generally longer than any videos I've needed to shoot.
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