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I need some help using Blender's .nif tools. Here is the screen I get when I import an NIF:




And this is what I get when I export:





What do all these options do? And what do I select if I'm importing/ Exporting a creature skin?


I am using Python v2.5.1 and v2.6, PyFFI v1.1.0, Blender v2.48a and Blender .nif scripts v2.3.13


Also, what do I have to do to apply a texture (down to where the DDS is stored and filename in relation to NIF name and location)?


Can somebody help me with these issues? Your help will be greatly appreciated.

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When importing you can generally leave the settings as is.


As for an Explanation of what the exporting options are,


If it's just an object (static, clothing or weapon) then you need only select Export Geometry Only. If it's a creature/actor you want Geometry and Animation. From there you want to keep Force DDS Extension, Stripify Geometry, Smoothen inter-object seams, flatten skin and Combine Materials to Increase Performance selected.


Over to the right, you choose which kind of mesh your exporting being static, clutter, weapon, or creature. Generally you can leave those settings as-is. Keep Solid checked, and if it's a weapon choose the location and you're all set.



Mind you, these are rough explanations and you could probably find more detail examples of what each option does if you search around.

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Thanks for the help Khet. The exporting of meshes works perfectly but now the ability to save has revealed a new problem that I have.


Any changes I make to a mesh (in my case, deleting faces) don't get saved. Here is my procedure:


1- I import the .nif mesh using the instructions Khet gave me above.

2- I select the mesh and switch to Face Edit.

3- I delete the faces I don't need.

4- I export this .nif (to the same file I imported from, also tried a different file name) using the instructions Khet gave me above.


Am I doing something wrong? This method doen't work with any of the meshes I try. Can someone help me with this new problem. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

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