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AttachRef broken for MovableStatics ?


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Can anyone confirm that the game is unable to properly persist movablestatics position when the movablestatics are refattached to something?


For me, it unbelievably loads them ONCE (and ONCE only) at the editor location (instead of the position they were at on unload). Any subsequent unload/load, the position is persisted properly. Which is really bad by itself, but becomes even worse because we cannot de-attach stuff from script; not even disable/enable will do it - So there seems to be no way to correct the error introduced by the ONE time it doesn't work properly.


Makes me wonder, is there any system in this game that's not fundamentally, completely and utterly broken in some way.

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I'm already doing that. I also changed the flags in the NIF itself.


Attaching from script does not work either, because the stuff to refattach is not spawned but placed.


I guess a complete rework of everything is needed. FML. If this were paid work, the cost of this stupid in-game elevator would be approaching the cost of a small, real-life elevator.


And that, my friends, is how we end up with all the cut content.

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Turns out I can Disable/SetPos/Enable on the "motor" (to which the other objects are refattached to) OnUnload, to teleport the motor to it's editor location.


Which works fine for all the placed elements, such as the cart and the doors. But -of course- it upsets the buttons and button labels on the control panel in the cart - those are generated at runtime and thus spawned in.

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Hello niston,


One oddity I remember from testing a very long distance elevator using platformhelperfree (at 10x the size, max it could go), if I had the elevator set up to start at the top, it would take nearly a minute for the elevator to suddenly appear (no animated transitions) at the correct position when the cell loads the first time (no oddities afterwards). This is probably to do with the nif animation issue, but it was an oddity that threw me off.


Soooo....have you tried waiting a bit? (I know It's kind of an insane suggestion, lol :laugh:).

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