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Soul Trap Shout


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So I'm making a weapon mod based on an old GBA game called Boktai. A quick alpha version can be seen here: http://youtu.be/GEgvgtKS4No

The gun is supposed to be recharged by sunlight, but I think it's kind of impossible to make a script that will recharge it passively just by standing in bright light, so I figured I'd try making a shout that fills soul gems when you're under sunlight, using the getLightLevel function. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could make this happen?


Also the video is v0.1 of my mod, I'm on v0.2 now, it has limited charges (about 10 shots before it runs out), you recharge it using soul gems, it staggers undead, (making it great for fighting vampires on master difficulty, which is quite the chore otherwise), and it deals 25 fire damage that overcomes fire resistance, since it's supposed to be sunfire but for some odd reason I can't access the Dawnguard files on my computer and therefore I can't make it deal actual Sun Damage.


Any help would be most appreciated!


Also big props to Mikloud, who made the Flintlock Pistol mode that I used as a base for this, this is my first ever mod and I seriously doubt that I would have figured out how to make this puppy without combing through his enchantments and such.

Edited by TheGreennite
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