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Creating object LODs

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Hello, I hope somebody can help me with this, I never seem to get help on other sites. I am creating a mod for myself, teaching myself how to do it as I go along. In some places I have changed the landscape by replacing or deleting certain objects, for example, a simple removing a flyover or swapping out an elevated draw bridge for a lowered one. In both cases the LOD still shows the original items. How do I replace the LOD so it shows the new items? I tried generating the LOD for the worldspace in the editor and ended up with no land anywhere, and I can't seem to find anything when I search the internet so help would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by saladinbobbins
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Afaik, you can't. Well, you can but it'll be incompatible with any other mods.


LOD must be generated on the load order. So it's something that would have to be done by the mod user, for their specific load order, using FO4LodGen or whatever its called.

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Afaik, you can't. Well, you can but it'll be incompatible with any other mods.


LOD must be generated on the load order. So it's something that would have to be done by the mod user, for their specific load order, using FO4LodGen or whatever its called.


How do I generate them on my load order? There has to be a simple way to see a lowered drawbridge rather than an elevated one?

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I have no idea what Atlas Textures are, but managed to follow payl0ad's simple guide to generate LOD for my Commonwealth.


That *is* the beginners guide, it doesn't get any easier.

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