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FXfireWithEmbersLogs - Off version


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Not sure if this is the right forum for this, but it is the only one I saw for requests.


I'm working on a mod that has a larger fireplace than the norm and would like to use the FXfireWithEmbersLogs01.nif for the logs and flames. However, I want to be able to have the fireplace able to be toggled on and off. There is currently no 'off' version of that mesh. My experiments have gotten it down to just the logs and ash but I still have the 'on' glow to it. If anyone could either help me remove that glow so it looks more like fireplacewoodoff.nif or just make a mesh like that I would be greatly appreciative!


Thanks in advance for any help!

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Here's a brutally gutted version, I'm sure other members can do better. You should probably tweak the emissive color under the bseffectshaderproperty of all three nitrishapethingies to your liking, I've moved it from the red/yellow/white into the greys. I've only looked at it in the CK, not in the actual game. Lazy and all.


It doesn't seem to crash my CK so that's a plus :psyduck:


I think I would personally like a scaled version of the fxfirewithembers out better, perhaps with a log half sticking out textured with fxwoodburning.dds.


Come to think of it, maybe it should have no emission. I always get confused with that 3d stuff about specular and emissive and whatnot.

Edited by acidzebra
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