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CTD in riften, need help understanding crash log


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I walked into Riften for the first time this play through today and CTD multiple times in different areas, I have a feeling it is related to a specific NPC but I don't know for sure. I have used the crash logs provided by .Net Script Framework before and have had success troubleshooting in the past, but I am still inexperienced with the information given by the crash logs and this specific one has me stumped. If anyone is willing to take a look at it and and pinpoint my issue, I would greatly appreciate it. I have a feeling it is an issue with a mesh or texture problem from what I have seen in the log but not sure how to interpret what mod its coming from etc. I have attached the log below. Thanks again for any help.

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firstly how did you generate the crash log, ive been trying to find a crash log generator ?


Your load order doesnt look to good tbh, does loot say any master files or mods require cleaning if so clean them


Oftenm meshes textures conflicts cause CTD, im taking a closer look, good idea to look in your texture folder for any (locked) files..if there are any trace them back to the mod source and uninstall...then re install, ive solved many ctd this way takes alot of time and pateince though




Edited by ZMD78
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