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NPC's go where they shouldn't


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K, so that didn't work. Here are the screens with the NPC trying to go through the wall and of the navmesh/cover.







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Okay it's not entirely clear but based on the third pic what I think is happening is that the gaps between the main mesh and your little "peninsulas" (basically everywhere where I see a cover wall on two sides and maybe especially where I don't but I think there should be, which I bet is where the problem is) are so small that the AI pather thinks "I can bridge those, silly human probably forgot to close the gaps!" (even though the peninsula may be on the 2nd floor)


Try widening the distances on both sides of the fence/porch/whatever.


By the way - have you checked your navmesh for errors? Just checking - I sometimes forget.

Edited by acidzebra
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I did check for errors. Anyway, I redid the entire exterior, widened the area between the navmesh and the building, removed the cover and added it back, and finalized. Still the same :wallbash: The thing is, in those pics the area he was trying to walk through had no navmesh until the other side of the building. If I hadn't spent a month working on it already, I would trash it. :wacko: Thanks for trying to help though.
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Very strange, I've not seen this behavior and I've messed with Tamriel, custom worldspaces, and interior cells.


Could you post a 45-degree angle shot of the same area as pic #3 with just the navmesh showing? There must be something we're missing but I can't for the life of me think what.


It looks like a lovely place, by the way.

Edited by acidzebra
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Wow, this is not even my mod and I'm getting frustrated because I don't see it. Aside from some high-poly triangles in the cell just below the house which should be simplified, that gazebo circle which is probably too thin to have AIs successfully walk it and a possible floating island in the main house area which I think is actually the balcony (nice idea), I just don't see it. It looks clean enough.


Have you tried running a pathing test in that main house cell?


(does the CK think the AI will be able to navigate as expected)


Have you tried making where you want the AI to walk a preferred path?

(select the triangles which form your desired path, press P - the triangles will change color to that of the road)




Brutal suggestion: make a backup of your file, go into the cell, click menu navmesh > remove cell navmeshes, then save. Weep for the loss of your carefully crafted navmesh. Auto-generate a new navmesh (a havok-based one, I would think). See what the CK comes up with. Save and test first after the usual finalizing and cover removal/generating, then, if pigs fly and it works, cleanup.

Edited by acidzebra
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Nothing I do fixes it. It's like it doesn't recognize the navmesh, like it's still wilderness. The pathing tests are fine in the CK but the NPC wants to take a straight line between patrol idle markers, even if that means walking through the exterior of the house. The animals that spawn do the same thing. I'm totally lost! :wallbash:


ETA: I did have preferred pathing setup but that seemed to create more issues with the spawned animals. They aren't spawning in my cell BTW but the ones beside it and behind it. It will make nice hunting, if I can ever get this straight!

Edited by ricslady99
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