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question about the NMM when playing FO3


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I've only heard bad things about nexus mod manager, how it doesn't install mods properly, you might want to try running the game differently. Not to slander the nmm, but it's still very early in developement and has a lot of bugs.
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@PerpetualHappiness - Yup 1.33 MILLION users must all be wrong. :tongue: It does have flaws, but we are gradually getting them ironed out. Of course, if this topic and the NMM troubleshooting is the only place you are looking - it is the troubleshooting section, where those with problems go to post. If you want the glowing reviews, check the NMM New version notification page http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/850098-nmm-version-0340-and-new-notification-system/ Then you will get a more balanced perspective of what people think - remember that people are far more likely to post when they have a problem than if it just works. :biggrin:


@moreammo - the NMM uses the in game launcher, or the script extender launcher (If you use FOSE) . It does not set whether the game launches in full or windowed. (Maybe that can be added later though) Check in the game ini file for the solution to that.. :thumbsup:

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NMM is a good program, I tried it, but would prefer to use FOMM, OBMM, Wrye Flash or Wrye Bash for my games for now. I look forward to a later release, if it works better then what I use now I will and I'm glad it works for 1.33 million people and they should keep using it. I will also check out the review, maybe I missed something. Was also just trying to help, I want to be more community active on nexus :) it seems like there's not much help here sometimes.
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I couldn't remember how to make the game use the "Essential Followers and Caravans" mod, so I downloaded the NMM. I will look in the game .ini file tonight. I would just like the caravans to be safe and a full screen. Don't understand why Bethesda made the caravans killable and then let the Enclave build outposts right in the middle of the road where they travel.
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