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I have kept my eyes open for any mod for a gas mask, maybe i just didn't see one, but what i would really like is a full face stand alone gas mask that can still be equipped with a hood, or helmet at the same time....not sure if it matters but being able to use it for male and female characters would be amazing! and i think it would look great with several armor mods im using.


:D *(ill be holding my breath till i see a mod for a gas mask)*


Thank you modders for the great mods! and thanks for taking your time to look at this!


ps: if you need any ideas of what type of mask i think would look good feel free to pm me and ill try and get you some images of what i have in mind.


SORRY, just read that i posted in the wrong place...my fault! wont happen again, feel free to remove the post, i was going to remove it myself but i dont seem to have that option :( again, sorry for any inconvenience!

Edited by gothetonix
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