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Possible Mage tower mod


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I just modded SSE for my son who's in Afghanistan and as I was doing this I looked to see what other homes were available for DL. I really LOVE most of the places here as they're so well thought out and very grand but I noticed one thing.... not many (if any really) mage towers.


Now when I think of mages and wizards I dont think of Gandalf or Dumbledor in semi-resplendance. No, I think of old, bent wise men/women who have shelves of tomes and piles of parchment on tables or desks and on the floor with either a young, bored or old, doddering assistant. I think of tables of bubbling alembics and partially disected critters on dusty tables and flame blasted areas of a room. I think of a large bed that was once grand but is now worn and shabby. I see rows of staves and bent, worn pointy hats and capes hanging from dusty dragon claws suspended on a wall. I think of mages living in large, secluded multi floor towers in the middle of the woods, a swamp or in a mountainous region so they can be left alone to study and practice their craft. I would LOVE to make a mod like this but I'm......just so programming stupid that I don't even know where to start.


Sooooo......I was wondering if one or a few of you wonderful, intelligent and very talented modders would be so kind as to make my vision come true. I usually play sneaky, thieving archer-rangers but I'm thinking I want to play mages like I did in my old AD&D days. (yes I'm THAT old) Plus I love to rp my games so I thought this would fit the bill as well as be very immersive.


Thanks ahead of time to whomever accepts this quest and makes it real.

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I saw that but it's not the type I was looking for. It's close but far to elesgant. Think the Tower of the Dead in Qarth in G.O.T. meets the wizards tower in Dragonslayer. That's exactly what I mean. Then place it in a place like Old Valeria in G.O.T. or the swamp in Witcher 3. Bingo.

Edited by Kitikithakis
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undeath remastered has a cool mage tower you can get as a player home a good ways into the quest line,but l think you have to go the path of becomeing a lich (l have only played it once and it was to become a lich,so i dont know if you can get it as a home otherwise,but you dont have to actualy become a lich to be able to get it as a home. ) :https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6180

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Wow, this looks like a nice mod. I'll have to tinker with it and give it a try. If image number three is the tower you're talking about then it's the kind of tower I've been talking about. A little "dark" but not too bad. Too bad there's little to no support for this mod.

Edited by Kitikithakis
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I found the perfect mage house. Scholars Refuge by ashleyclark ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3935 ). Even though it's not in a tower the premise still holds. It's very well done but I wish it had an auto sorter and could be set as a house. Even without it's a fantastic mage place. I am using this one now and it works perfectly.

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