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Crash to Desktop due to mod conflict


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I ran into a repeatable CTD issue while playing Skyrim recently: Skyrim crashed as I attempted to transition from Jorrvaskr to Whiterun and again after the default starting experience right after you exit the cave at roughly the point where whoever you followed tells you to join their faction.


After confirming that it was a repeating issue, I started by shutting down all my mods (except for Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and the original HQ Texture Packs) and the crash did not occur. It would seem I have a mod conflict that's causing the crash, but I don't know what mods are conflicting.




The above is a list of all the mods I'm running at the moment, and looking them over myself (with what little I know of modding and mod conflicts), I'm not sure which ones are causing the conflict.

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First use BOSS to sort your load order then see if you crash. If you do, I suggest you turn off the lower half of your mods then play, if you still crash , re-enable them and disbale the upper half of your mods except for Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and the original HQ Texture Packs. You probably shouldn't crash now. Then re-enable only half of of your disabled upper half mods and see if you crash and so on until you find which mod is causing the crash. This is a quick way to do it. A betterway would be to disable mods one by one and see what causes the CTD, but that needs a lot of time.
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Thanks for the heads up, asdgora.


I did just as you recommended, downloaded BOSS and ran it to clean up my load order, and then whittled my selection down until I "found" the problem. There was a conflict between two mods that add more items to what can be crafted. The mods in question are Magecraft and Voidcraft Armory Dawnguard. Incidentally, BOSS doesn't recognize the Magecraft mod (though it does recognize the Voidcraft Armory Dawnguard mod).

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