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So today I decided to delve into the DefaultNameList.ini and add custom names. Needless to say my 8 year old and I couldn't come up with nearly as many names as the original file and certainly not all of the countries, so my list is significantly shorter. When I start a new game, I occasionally get the soldiers I named, but sprinkled in are still some of the default names. These names do NOT exist in the .ini file at all, I've deleted everything but the names I want. Why am I still getting random default names? Any suggestions? Here's what my file looks like:



; ------------------------------------------

; -------------- AMERICAN ------------------

; ------------------------------------------

m_arrInMFirstNames=" "


m_arrInFFirstNames=" "


m_arrAmLastNames="Ryan Doute"

m_arrAmLastNames="Logan Doute"

m_arrAmLastNames="Josh Moore"

m_arrAmLastNames="Kenny Erwood"

m_arrAmLastNames="Sterling Blakeman"

m_arrAmLastNames="Perry Cates"

m_arrAmLastNames="Daniel McGrew"

m_arrAmLastNames="Kristen Doute"

m_arrAmLastNames="Casey McCarroll"

m_arrAmLastNames="David Zacker"






m_arrAmLastNames="Bridgette Powell"

m_arrAmLastNames="Jerry Powell"

m_arrAmLastNames="Chris Dapoz"


; ------------------------------------------

; -------------- CHINESE -------------------

; ------------------------------------------

m_arrChMFirstNames=" "


m_arrChFFirstNames=" "


m_arrChLastNames="Gideon Choi"

m_arrChLastNames="PeggySue Powell"


; ------------------------------------------

; -------------- MEXICAN -------------------

; ------------------------------------------

m_arrMxMFirstNames=" "


m_arrMxFFirstNames=" "


m_arrMxLastNames="Rosa Morales"

m_arrMxLastNames="Nicholas Campos"

m_arrMxLastNames="Miguel Cabrera"



; ------------------------------------------

; -------------- ENGLISH -------------------

; ------------------------------------------

m_arrEnMFirstNames=" "


m_arrEnFFirstNames=" "


m_arrEnLastNames="Molly Doute"

m_arrEnLastNames="Killer Doute"



; ------------------------------------------

; -------------- GERMAN -------------------

; ------------------------------------------

m_arrGmMFirstNames=" "


m_arrGmFFirstnames=" "


m_arrGmLastNames="Ryan Sutton"

m_arrGmLastNames="Dominic Massari"

m_arrGmLastNames="Joseph Dahmen"



; ------------------------------------------

; -------------- JAPANESE -------------------

; ------------------------------------------

m_arrJpMFirstNames=" "


m_arrJpFFirstNames=" "







m_arrJpLastNames="Neji Hyuuga"

m_arrJpLastNames="Monkey D. Luffy"

m_arrJpLastNames="Zoro Roronoa"


; ------------------------------------------

; -------------- IRISH -------------------

; ------------------------------------------

m_arrIrMFirstNames=" "


m_arrIrFFirstNames=" "








(Don't make fun of these ridiculous names :P)


So with that being the entirety of my DefaultNameList.ini file, why am I still getting random russians?



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What I see at the first sight is, you aren't using names correctly. Is it for a purpose of having the first and the last name connected together and see the full name in tactical combat?


I would stick to syntax m_arrAmFFirstNames="Brittany" ... m_arrAmLastNames="Freeman", separated the first and the last.


Also if you've edited DefaultNameList.ini, you will have to delete XComNameList.ini in your user documents (Users\YourName\Documents\My Games\XCOM - Enemy Unknown\XComGame\Config\) so it gets recreated from edited default.

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