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New Game and Dragonborn


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I had set this game down for a while and want to come back to it and start a fresh game. I will need a few mods (improved graphics, UFO, Immersive Armors, and Deadly/Ace Combat). With the exception of Immersive armors these are mostly gameplay tweaks and not full content additions. Would you more experienced modders and mod-users out there expect installing Dragonborn in a month to break anything? I was not playing at the time of the Dawnguard release, but if anyone has info on installing that DLC on a modded game it would be useful.


I can be patient if necessary. I just dont want to :confused:

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I had set this game down for a while and want to come back to it and start a fresh game. I will need a few mods (improved graphics, UFO, Immersive Armors, and Deadly/Ace Combat). With the exception of Immersive armors these are mostly gameplay tweaks and not full content additions. Would you more experienced modders and mod-users out there expect installing Dragonborn in a month to break anything? I was not playing at the time of the Dawnguard release, but if anyone has info on installing that DLC on a modded game it would be useful.


I can be patient if necessary. I just dont want to :confused:


It will break mods. I suggest playing it vanilla if you want to get it on release. If not then wait a few weeks for the modders to get to work. Of course if you are brave and determined, you can try and work out by yourself what will work and what won't. I did that to a degree with dawnguard, I managed to run a slim modded game without any major bugs.

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Dragonborn will only break mods if it's editing the same thing as the mods. UFO and Graphics mods would be safe, the animation/combat mods might need to have the FNIS (if they use that) executable run again, and Immersive Armors should also be safe since Dragonborn takes place outside of Skyrim (and theoretically doesn't modify Skyrim's leveled lists). About the only problem I would see if if you're using a mod like Better Magic, the new Dragonborn spells would be unaffected by the mod and may feel weaker than the vanilla ones.
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