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The Order Of The Dragon


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OT>Ok guys Behold,Metronome,Our official RP topic.Hehe,just kidding.But seriously,this is out RP topic for the "Order Of The Dragon".To those wishing to join,must post [here] before posting in this RP.Again i ask the current members to follow the rules as much as possible.And now for the first post:


IN>Darkness...That's the least that could be said about the surroundings.In the center of the black void,faintly seen lies,unconscious,a reptilian humanoid,on its back dragon-like wings,and on it's skin - reddish thick scales.Quiet...another word to describe the dark environment.The humanoid slowly woke up and opened his eyes.


...Whe...Where am I?...


He looked around.All he could see was shadow and darkness.The invisible floor was marked by the magical fog under it.The ,what appeared to be a half dragon.He looked around.He saw nor heard anything.




He tried to take a step,but something weighed him down.The half-dragon looked at his body.All he saw was a full set of dark plate armor.In between his wings was a claymore,as black as the surrounding "room".


Where the heck am I?


At the beginning of your destiny!


A voice shrieked out,The reptilian tried to focus on where it came from,but it sounded like it came from no direction.


This is getting stranger by the second....

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<lying on a rocky surface, in complete darkness is a man. from far off he looks as like any normal human teenager. but up close the eye spots differances. this man is half elf, ditusishable by his pointed ears and narrow chin>

<the man sits up and surveys as much as his elven eyes can seen in the emense darkness>


The elf-man: Ugh, my head. where the am i? can't seen anything in this gloom.


<the elf-man rolls onto his knees and start rumaging around in the gloom>


now where is my sword. or my lighter at least.

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<lying on a rocky surface, in complete darkness is a man. from far off he looks as like any normal human teenager. but up close the eye spots differances. this man is half elf, ditusishable by his pointed ears and narrow chin>

<the man sits up and surveys as much as his elven eyes can seen in the emense darkness>


The elf-man: Ugh, my head. where the am i? can't seen anything in this gloom.


<the elf-man rolls onto his knees and start rumaging around in the gloom>


now where is my sword. or my lighter at least.

A cold chill is felt around the elf like human.


The time has come mortal,to defend what little your kind has left in this world....


A voice sounded from no known direction.The half elf felt the rocky ground as it turned into solid ice...

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<the half-elf finall locates his sword. using it to support his weight he stands up. he almost slips on the ice but nimbily just manages to stay upright>


Hello? is someone there?


<the half-elf shivers in the chill then mutters to himself>


Great mess you've got your self into this time Leon.


<Leon stamps his foot on the icy ground to stay warm and to get his blood flowing>

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<a human man is lying on his back in a room with no light>

the man:i'm alive?"lets out a sigh"pity.

<the man stands up and checks to make sure his gear is still there>

the man:good.it's all here.

<the man walks to the center of the room>

the man:now where am i?

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<a human man is lying on his back in a room with no light>

the man:i'm alive?"lets out a sigh"pity.

<the man stands up and checks to make sure his gear is still there>

the man:good.it's all here.

<the man walks to the center of the room>

the man:now where am i?


At the tests of life


A deep voice shouted around the man's ears.Around him started to glow 8 spheres,each having a unique color...




The half dragon wasn't going to wait for an answer from what ever spoke to him.He ran further into the dark,running over...nothing.After minutes of non-stop running,he reached a light spot on the invisible floor.It was in the shape of a star inside a circle.As he slowly walked over to the center of it he started hearing some noises in the distance.As if something was running at him.


Where am I!


...shouted the knight.


Pass the tests an all shall be explained


Very well.what do i do?-the half dragon readied his claymore.


Bend the shadow to your will.If not your enemies will always be hidden,fear not the light,but do not let down you guard in the dark

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<leon looks around in the gloom then sighs>


I'm alone. cold. and in pure darkness


<Leon's stumbic rumbles a low long growl>

and i haven't eaten in the last day.


<Leon, starts to wonder in the darkness, occasionally slipping over>

Hello? is anyone here?



OT> Wasder Spyro has asked me to remind you of rule three

3rd - No story rushing.By that i mean please be as descriptive as possible.Malchik's RP "The Master of Zooz" is a good example as what I want regular posts to be.[Here] is a link to his RP's last page(at least the last one i visited)

in future could you please mind to follow it? please?

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