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The Order Of The Dragon


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Raz looks at Leon with a sidelong glance then shakes his head.


Raz: " No.....I need you consiou....."


Raz stops and starts to look very closely at their surroundings, with a draw of his longsword he sends a elemental slash of fire through a nearby building taking Leon by surprise.


Raz: " Leon Run!!!!!! "


As Raz yells an arrow is fired from the opposite building and hits him in the left shoulder, the force of the blow spins him to the ground.

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Rin headed directly to the stables only to find them empty.*This doesn't look good.*;She thought to herself. She quickly dumped the others at the stables and told them to stick together. At the same time she felt something familiar and not in a good way. She ran behind the townhall and saw 6 mounted soldiers of Herax's army. She unsheathed her sword and in one fell swoop cut four of them in half when jumping between the idiotically positioned soldiers with their horses, the other two quickly unmounted and prepared for combat. The first four were caught unaware, but these last two wouldn't be so easy.


Rin started dancing with her blade and in a few moments the other one of the soldiers was dead, the last one however was not a pushover and was only measuring Rin's strength, after a few seconds he had enough and slashed Rin's right arm and cut off the rag covering her left eye, but that turned out to be a mistake. The flaming aura Rin had had earlier was back, but this time it wasn't pure flame, it was fused with her demonic energy, creating a black flame burning everything it touches. The battle between two monsters was about to begin.


Rin encased her DBOG with the flame and due to the choice of material, it did no harm to it, but enhanced the attack power instead. The captain of the squad was skilled and strong, both were exchanging blows, but after a minute had gone in the battle, the flame did it's job and started burning the enemy alive. Rin wasn't interested in hearing the screams of pain from an enemy and promptly cut off it's head.


She returned to the others at the stables bringing 6 horses with her, while keeping her left eye closed. Exhausted by her wounds, she fell unconscious on one of the horses before being able to explain anything.


(OOC>Just to drop a note, I'm off to school, drop me a PM if you want/need something edited in this post, I'm slightly sleep deprived and in a hurry atm. ~Elraine)

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<Leon went into a defensive croach>

Damnit raz! you ok?

<he checks around for more enermies, seeing not he slowly walked over to raz>

hey? how you doing?

<he concernedly glances over where Rin is unconcusion on a horse>

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Raz tenderly fingered the arrow shaft for a few moments then gripped it solidly and gave it a swift yank, pulling it out and letting loose a pained snarl in the process. With the arrow out he looked at it briefly then tossed it aside.


Raz: " Damn.......that hurt. "

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