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The Order Of The Dragon


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Rin lets out a small sigh and then says;"You don't want to know and I don't care to explain, let's just leave it at that shall we?" She thinks to herself;*Perhaps the insignia wasn't enough to give away what I am. They'll learn eventually when they do see 'the eye'.* She then says as if nothing had happened;"Anyone got some food, I haven't eaten in a week."
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Rin has a black aura starting to form around her, she quickly says;"I'll be back in a sec." She walks off behind a nearby rock. "What is it, Baal..."


Baal;"So you still refuse to call me your father. Why haven't you destroyed the village I sent you to annihilate?"

Rin;"I do what I want, when I want. Besides, I got a far more interesting task currently."

Baal;"I DO NOT CARE! YOU WILL DO AS I TOLD YOU TO!*Earth shakes around Rin.* I also took the liberty of sending in the general to escort you and make sure you'll complete your mission."


Visage of Baal dissipates into the air, only leaving a small rift open where Baal's general walks through.


General;"So Rin, you're refusi..." -General is sliced in half and blasted by a fireball.-


Rin walks back to the group and says;"I hope you don't mind about that little disappearance." while thinking to herself;*This may not be the best decision, but I'm far more interested in what happens with this dragon than the annihilation of some small damn city.*


Blood can be seen dripping off of Rin's gigantic blade.

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<cale returns to the group>

i've decided to stay with the group...for a little while anyways.

<he looks over at rin>

hello there.i don't think we've met.i'm cale.what's your name?

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