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Assassins Creed Outfit request


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Due to copyright issues they can't be posted here, I have found 2, Revelations and Brotherhood versions of Ezio's outfit's on google they also can be found on youtube{this is where I found both of them for me) be warned though the Revelations version will mess up your skin textures making them look "greyed" and can't be fixed, downloading the standalone craftable version plus the replacer is the only way to make it work correctly, so you don't have the "greyed" skin and missing hands. Edited by aesima
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I have an Assassin's Creed based retexture of the nightingale armor I found on the steam workshop. Yes, it is standalone and doesn't replace the armor just adds the assassin's garbs. You might try there.


As far as the nexus is concerned there are some excellent assassin mods.

Hidden Blade SFX

Masters of Death - Rise of the Brotherhood

Dwarven Mechanical Equipment


I really like the blade on the last one, it's on the wrong side of the hand, but it's a very nice addition to any assassin styled character.


Hope that helps!

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