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Add CRAFT Recipe [Alien Power Cells] and [Alien Power Modules]


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Please add these craft recipes--Alien Power Cells, Alien Power Modules--to the game. CRAFT recipes can be found somewhere in the Weapons Lab of Mothership Zeta.


Recipe [Alien Power Cells] makes 30 Alien Power Cells.

15 Scrap Metal

30 Energy Cells

10 MicroFusion Cells

3 Fission Battery


Recipe [Alien Power Modules] makes 30 Alien Power Modules.

15 Scrap Metal

30 Energy Charge Pack

10 MicroFusion Cells

3 Fission Battery


My second request CRAFT Fission Battery. CRAFT recipe can bought by Tinker Joe.


Recipe [Fission Battery] makes 1 Fission Battery.

3 Scrap Metal

1 Conductor

1 Sensor Module

1 MicroFusion Cell


I am trying my hands at it, but I can confidently say; I have absolutely no idea on what to do. I am using this: CRAFT - EnergyAmmo somewhat as a guide. But... I keep being met with failure. If anyone can help me, or better yet volunteer your time to make this, I will thank you immensely.

Edited by smjn
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Unfortunately, I don't know how how to modify the "Cell" of the .esps. Anyways, this is my progress so far on CRAFT Fission Battery.


Container VendorChestFBatt

Record Header
Signature			CONT
Record Flags
FormID				VendorChestFBattJoe "FBattJoe" [CONT:###]

EDID - Editor ID		VendorChestFBattJoe

OBND - Object Bounds
Corner #0
X				-25
Y				-41
Z				0
Corner #1
X				23
Y				41
Z				32

FULL - Name			FBattJoe

MODL - Model Filename		Clutter\Chest\SteamerTrunk01.NIF

CNTO - Item
Item				SchematicsFBattItem "Schematics - Fission Battery" [MISC:###]
Count				1

Weight				0.000000


Dialog Topic GREETINGFBatt

Record Header
Signature			DIAL
Record Flags
FormID				GREETINGFBatt "Fission Battery" [DIAL:###]


QSTI - Quest			CRAFTWorkbenchQuest "CRAFT WorkbenchQuest" [QUST:01000EA6]

FULL - Name			Fission Battery

PNAM - Priority			50.000000

Type				Topic
Flags				Top-level
Top-level			Top-level


Misc. Item SchematicsFBattItem

Record Header
Signature			MISC
Record Flags
FormID				SchematicsFBattItem "Schematics - Fission Battery" [MISC:###]

EDID - Editor ID		SchematicsFBattItem
OBND - Object Bounds
Corner #0
X				0
Y				0
Z				0
Corner #1
X				0
Y				0
Z				0

FULL - Name			Schematics - Fission Battery

MODL - Model Filename		Clutter\Junk\blueprintpaper01.nif

ICON - Large Icon filename	Interface\Icons\pipboyimages\Items\items_note.dds

SCRI - Script			SchematicsFBattScript [sCRPT:###]

Value				750
Weight				0.000000


Note SchematicsFBattNote

Record Header
Signature			NOTE
Record Flags
FormID				SchematicsFBattNote "Schematics - Fission Battery" [NOTE:###]

EDID - Editor ID		SchematicsFBattNote

OBND - Object Bounds
Corner #0
X				0
Y				0
Z				0
Corner #1
X				0
Y				0
Z				0

FULL - Name			Schematics - Fission Battery

MODL - Model Filename		Clutter\Junk\blueprintpaper01.nif

ICON - Large Icon filename	Interface\Icons\pipboyimages\Items\items_note.dds

DATA - Type			Text

TNAM - Text/ Topic
Text				[see "Text SchematicsFBattNote"]


Text SchematicsFBattNote

Materials Required:

3 Scrap Metal
1 Conductor
1 Sensor Module
1 MicroFusion Cell

[instructions to building your own Fission Battery is found here.]


Script SchematicsFBattScript

Record Header
Signature			SCPT
Record Flags
FormID				SchematicsFBattScript [sCPT:###]

EDID - Editor ID		SchematicsFBattScript

SCHR - Basic Script Data
Type				Object
Flags				Enabled
Enabled				Enabled

SCDA - Complied Script

SCTX - SCript Source		[see "scn SchematicsFBattScript"]

Local Variables
Local Variables
SLSD - Local Variable Data
Index				1
Flags				IsLongOrShort
IsLongOrShort			IsLongOrShort
SCVR - Name			AddOnce

SCRO - Global Reference		Player [00000014]
SCRO - Global Reference		SchematicsFBattNote "Schematics - Fission Battery" [Note:###]


scn SchematicsFBattScript

scn SchematicsFBattScript

Short AddOnce; Do Once variable

BEGIN OnAdd player

if (AddOnce == 0)
	;just add the note
	if (player.gethasnote SchematicsFBattNote == 0)
		;Add the Schematic Note
		player.addNote SchematicsFBattNote
		;Remove this item from inventory
		set AddOnce to 1


Edited by smjn
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