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Ivory items?


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in the base game,mammoth and horker tusks are useless,especially mid-late game do to their low value,even though mamoths are one of the hardest beasts to kill (especialy early game when mammoth tusks are the most usefull)


what l propose is adding a way to turn the tusks into a "bar of ivory" in a smelter which could then be used to make ivory rings,necklaces,armor,weapons and arrows(and maybe earrings if you use HN66's earring mod).


the items would have a white ivory colour (especialy the jewelrey) but for the armor/weapons,maybe just edit the dragonbone items (and the ivory set stats would be more akin to dwarven or orcish,not dragonbone)


(l say bar,but it does not have to be a bar,it could just be a item called ivory)

Edited by skyrimlover1212
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