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Same Mods Different Computers?


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Hello, first off I'd like to apologize if this isn't the place to be asking this, aside from that my question is simple - does Nexus Mod Manager load downloaded mods that were installed (through the NMM, same account and everything) on a different computer? I ask this because for the longest I've been playing Skyrim on my laptop and would switch back and forth to my dekstop and back. I haven't been on either for awhile and I haven't touched Skyrim during that time obviously so I can't quite remember if the mods are connected to my account in the NMM.


Thanks in advance, and sorry if this has been addressed before I searched beforehand and turned up empty handed.

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Hello, first off I'd like to apologize if this isn't the place to be asking this, aside from that my question is simple - does Nexus Mod Manager load downloaded mods that were installed (through the NMM, same account and everything) on a different computer? I ask this because for the longest I've been playing Skyrim on my laptop and would switch back and forth to my dekstop and back. I haven't been on either for awhile and I haven't touched Skyrim during that time obviously so I can't quite remember if the mods are connected to my account in the NMM.


Thanks in advance, and sorry if this has been addressed before I searched beforehand and turned up empty handed.

No, your account only stores things like download history and endorsements. Your laptop and desktop can have different mods even if you used the same account to download in NMM.

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Thanks! I kinda figured after playing but I have no idea which is different and which is the same (as a few mods are from the steam workshop). Anywhere I can suggest or has this been suggested before? To have the Nexus copy over mods downloaded to an account?
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