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Transfer FO3 with mods to another PC


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Hi people,


I have FO3 with many mods in one PC with windows XP x32 installed. I want to transfer the game with all the mods to a notebook with windows 7 x64... I tried to copy the folder in program files, but when I try to open the game, an erro says that cant find the "xlive.dll".... and when I try to open "FalloutLauncher.exe", just have the option to install the game... anyone could help me??


thanks!! Sorry for my bad english

Edited by coprofago
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Are you serious dude? First of all you must realize that you would have to install the game in the new peecee even if it was running XP x32 before attempting to transfer any other files (mods, game saves, etc). The fact that you're going from 32-bit to 64-bit architecture might be enough to screw the pooch no matter what you do anyway. You might try installing the game in the notebook and then transfering the othes files, but I couldn't speak as to what result you'll get.
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