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Gambling and Psionics (Mental Abilities)


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Dunno if this has been suggested elsewhere, but I was trying to think today of what I'd like to see in FO3 with the GECK finally forthcoming and all, and two things came to mind: Bottlecap slot-machines and psionic powers.


I think it'd be cool if there was a slaver-run casino hidden somewhere, a solid operation replete with turrets and sentry robots. It could even have carnival-type games using the BB gun targets Dad has set up in Vault 101 and stacks of soda bottles. One could even rig it like the carny-folk do, even. With your guns handed over at the door, who's gonna argue?


Mental abilities and perks would be neat as well, possibly caused by the exposure to so much radiation (funded Stan Lee's career, right?). Telekinesis, mind control, body protection -- anything would be possible.


By the way, hi -- while not necessarily new here (been around to hoard as many Oblivion mods as I could handle), this is my first time posting =D

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