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Mod Request: "Barkspawn" as Dog


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Hello modders who are all way more talented than I am! I'm wondering if anyone else has ever had the idea to make the mabari hound from Dragon Age: Origins, sometimes lovingly referred to as "Barkspawn," as a sprite replacement for our SDV doggo. Or, a simpler idea: if anyone knows of a mod that already exists that will do in a pinch, that already sort of looks like it:






I'd love to try drawing this myself, or adjusting an existing sprite, but 1) I suck at everything art-related, and 2) I'm in grad school and have six papers to write in as many weeks. Yay.


Anyone who'd be willing to give this a shot could take 100% of the credit: all I'd ask is a link to the final product. :D You would also have my eternal gratitude.


Thanks! :thumbsup:

Edited by bluephoenix73
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