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Bloodstone Chalice


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After I killed Harkon in the Volkihar Cathedral (i think thats what its called anyway... that area with the Molag Bal blood fountain thing when you first turn into a Vampire Lord) area and looted him n stuff, I found a chest near the door. Inside the chest was a filled Bloodstone Chalice (visually anyway... it has no description), even though there was already one near the dining area that you get the enhances vampiric drain spell. I'm a bit curious about what the purpose of the extra chalice is, if it has any purpose at all. Every time I try a google search for the item to find out, I usually get stuff related to the Bloodstone Chalice quest and any info about the actual item never says anything about being able to find one in the chest in Volkihar Cathedral, so I was wondering if anyone here knows of its purpose.
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Can you do anything with it at the redwater spring? (where you fill the first one)


Honestly I haven't thought of that lol. But I have a feeling it wouldn't do anything, because the particular one in my inventory looks like the one you get after you fill it at Red Water Spring. I could give it a shot anyway and see what happens.



Yeah, I tried going back to the Redwater Spring, but there doesn't seem to be anything I can do with the Chalice itself there. It had an activate option on the spring, which would give Blood of the Ancients buff like the Chalice back at Castle Volkihar, but it allowed me to activate it regardless of whether or not I had the extra Chalice in my inventory.

Edited by aharttsx
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