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Fixing quests (main quest) using the CK


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Long story short: My main quest is bugged, 'cause I can't end "The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller" or start "A blade in the dark", 'cause Delphine won't offer me the option to rent the "attic" (left) room in Riverwood. I've tried every solution available (using the console to set stage by stage of both quests, adding the horn to my inventory. reading the note again, recycling Delphine, spawning her again, and a long etc), I even posted here looking for help, and I concluded there's no way to fix it.


So, I was wondering if there would be a way to fix this, or at least help me "force" the next quests to start, using the CK. I've never messed with it to alter quests, but I realized it may be possible since there's a option for modding quests. Can anyone guide me, if it were possible to mod Delphine to force her give the option, or make the next quest available some other way?


I would really aprecciate any valuable info/tutorial that elightens me about this. Thanks!

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