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I was wondering if anyone had ideas or was working on a Dynamic Weather mod. Something to make it rain, snow, hail, duststorm, all that. I made one for another game that calculated the date (to see if snow or rain) and it would paste and later remove various VFX from areas (really around waypoints, which were spread out to make it seem "everywhere").


Possible with the new editor coming out? I think it would be cool to see snow over ruined DC :)

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I think some kind of weather system is really missing from FO3 but imo it needs to be kept inline with the feel of the wasteland ie no snow or fog.

Duststorms would be cool, give them a very small rad effect (more of a nuisance than anything else)


Rain would be a very rare occurance (the atmosphere has taken a battering after all) but one that would have a large rad risk.

Imagine having to run for the nearest cover only to be confronted by a deathclaw as you entered the building, ohh cr**!!!


I also think some kind of heat haze would be a very nice addition (dont know how much of a hit it would be on performance but I bet someone out there has the skills to try and do it)

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Weather is one of those things that fallout is missing. I think that radioactive rain and dust storms would be a perfect addition, it would make the wasteland dangerous. It would be very fun to see it start raining and then having to run like a madman to the nearest building! I would be worried about the NPCs though.
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You cant really blow up the weather. After nuclear war there would still be weather like dust storms. There would also be rain, if there is water there will be rain the reason the wasteland is a wasteland is because any rain that falls will be radioactive.
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how about a new radio station with weather warnings? ;)


And now for the weather.....


Haaaaay chillldrrren, here's a word of warning to all you guys and gals out there in the wastes of D.C....

Looks like our friends in the "Rivet City Weather Warning Centre" have issued a precipitation warning for later this afternoon


Radiation Threat - "high"


So if you've gotta be out there make sure your packing plenty of Rad-X and a envroment suit, or at the very least a have lead lined umbrella close at hand..... Just remember if you do get caught short run for the nearest cover, just try not to bump into any Deathclaws with the same idea or things could get messy.


Three Dog out.


And now some music......

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