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You cant really blow up the weather. After nuclear war there would still be weather like dust storms. There would also be rain, if there is water there will be rain the reason the wasteland is a wasteland is because any rain that falls will be radioactive.


I think you may be overlooking the EXTREME sarcasm there. Yeah, there could definitely be more weather variation. Godspeed to ya, sir.

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Note for your weather mod and on water radiation:


I've read on Radiation that it is quite unlikely water will retain dangerous radioactivity over such a long time. After 200 years the particles in the athmosphere should have come down, the early effects of nuclear fallout should have long past (save for some radiated materials) and any moving water should be pretty much safe radiation-wise. The reason is, the irradiated stuff in the water eventually reaches the sea and we've got so much water on the planet that it gets "dilluted" to safe margins. So snow, rain and (moving) water (barring perhaps acid rain*) should actually Decrease radiation. Also, rain could be one of the few sources of pure water. Not just radiation free, but bacteria/disease/virus (whatever contaminant) free. Ofcourse you might boil some water, but that might not kill the mutated bacteria of the wastelands ;)


The thing that would hold most of the radiation is the GROUND. It takes a very long time before all the radiated stuff sinks into the earth*. Any way we can turn the water/earth radiation around? Make wandering around increase your rads slowly and jumping in water/walking in rain/snow would slowly decrease rads or at least halt it's increase? (prolly a looot of work)


Dust storms would be pretty logical and plausibly radioactive, pretty essential idea. Dust is the real killer, not water! (which is why showers, rain and snow work against nuclear radiation, they clean off the dust, makes sense eh?)


It's too bad beth has a ton of good game designers but also a lazy storywriter somewhere who CBA to do his homework. Either that or they made the game before they made the story..


*Acid rain is, obviously, acidic and happens mostly because of compounds released into the air by people, it's not radioactive. Adding an "acid" effect to F3 might be too much trouble though...


**When the radioactive stuff does gradually sink into the earth it can contaminate water underground for a long time. That might be the only real dangerous water. This clearly does not apply to the water around the purifier though...





The Effects of Nuclear weapons, specificly chapter 9. I think i understood the important parts :P. Chapter 12 describes biological effects, interesting read.

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