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Problems Aimming a Certain Crossbow


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Hello. First of all I am a bit new here, so please take it easy on me.


With that out of the way I wanted to ask what effects the aim of a bow, specifically in the mod file. I had recently downloaded the Daedric crossbow mod and wanted to make a bounded crossbow mod that was inline with ACE - Comprehensive Enhancements mod. So I set off in doing my work and one of the first problems I encountered is the fact that the bow shots above cross hairs. And yes i already modded my skyrim.ini


All the other bows behave perfectly fine, but this crossbow behaves perfectly besides this problem.


So far I tried checking all the wikis, most of the topics of the past (my search skills may be weak), changing the .nif file, re-rigging the bow in 3dMAX, and playing around with the values in the creation kit but to no avail, so I turn to you guys for help.


The first pic shows the problem and the second pic is just me showing off a bit.


The bow is done by DJjojo and the skin mod is myself. I eventually want to release this as part of a larger mod that effects all of achery, think of the ACE mod but just for archery but a tad bit more indepth.



Just showing off


P.S. if you are wondering, the gravity is essentially off for the bolts.

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