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A Question About Popular Follower Mods (Inigo, Vilja, etc.)


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I've never used follower mods before, so pardon my ignorance.


Here are the ones I'm looking at;









What I want to know is the following; Can I recruit ALL of these followers at the same time? The reason I ask is that most (if not all) of them are incompatible with multiple follower mods like EFF, UFO, AFT, etc. However, Most of these followers are supposed to interact with each other. So what I'm asking is are they all innately stackable as followers? Again, I've never used them before, so I simply don't know. Thanks.

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Since no one responded, I took two days and tested myself. The following "popular" follower mods are all recruitable at the same time;












The only other followers I tested were Hoth and Cerwiden, and I was unable to recruit them at all, so apparently one of 9 followers above uses the vanilla Skyrim follower system (no clue which).


Here are some other things I can report. At level 1 with their default gear, these 9 followers as a group can solo the entire game on Legendary difficulty(at least one of them is insanely overpowered, but I was unable to determine which). As best as I can tell, they're all set to essential, which makes YOU the liability for a change. A lot of them interact with each other to various degrees. Unfortunately, they eat a LOT of resources, lowering framerates and increase loading times (sometimes up to one minute). They don't always zone through loading doors with your character. They get lost easily, and as a result most (but not all) of them have a spell or power to summon them. Their dialogue is largely insipid and trite. Most of them were clearly designed for nasty perverts (Recorder in particular).


All in all, while I like the idea of a large party of adventurers ala Dungeons and Dragons, the native AI simply can't handle it. Furthermore, I'm only interested in combat companions, not a romantic relationship with pixels, which is clearly what most of these are for (with the exception of Professor Doon, whose ridiculously enormous book weapon is just as eye-rolling as Vilja's voice). Like everyone else, I consider Inigo to be the best of the bunch, but IMHO even he isn't worth the hassle. Ultimately, I can achieve what I am looking for with native game followers and EFF.


TL;DR: Follower mods are highly overrated.

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It's hard to say yes or no when there are so many things that can go wrong. As with anything Skyrim mod wise .. you just have to test it out for yourself.

I would suggest not using so many or at least not using them all together. Like leave a few at home ... Myself I like Keely as a follower. She is done up

code wise. Also many of the stand alone type load their own skins. You get too many skins loaded and you start to lose to much game memory. At that point

some of them or your character get the black body memory bug.

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