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CPU usage shoots to 100% since march update.


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Okay, I've looked through the forums and have not seen this so I am making a post.


After the Windows security update on the 15th of march 2020, SSE no longer loads. A quick look over things has the CPU running at 100%. This was not the case prior to the update and I seem to be unable to uninstall this particular update. I'm continuing to research and work at the problem from a sysadmin standpoint but will appreciate any impute from the community.


Thank you in advance.



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I am not sure this is the place to address Windows update problems, if that is the true problem, but you could try a system restore. I am hesitant to advice on this issue as I am a fanatic on keeping my pcs updated all the time. I usually check twice a week at the least and I have had no issues with windows.


Might be wise to give some more info here to help people troubleshoot your issue though. A good start would be the version of windows you are using. Mine is windows 10 pro. Good luck!

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100% CPU (or Graphics, or Memory) are usually related to one or more applications that are running in the background. (often it's something like Cortana, or Windows update, or Windows security, although there are plenty of others that can "go awry") As Indiao21 suggested, you would probably do better by asking elsewhere, but I'll give you a pointer for tracking at least part way to solution.

  1. open the task manager.
  2. click on the processes tab
  3. find the column named CPU.
  4. click the header (CPU) to bring the biggest drain to the top of the running application list
  5. open a browser
  6. type the name of the application shown, then add the phrase "100% CPU usage"
  7. click enter and it should return some link that says "fix CPU usage errors for (blah blah).exe" or something like that.
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I am not sure this is the place to address Windows update problems, if that is the true problem, but you could try a system restore. I am hesitant to advice on this issue as I am a fanatic on keeping my pcs updated all the time. I usually check twice a week at the least and I have had no issues with windows.


Might be wise to give some more info here to help people troubleshoot your issue though. A good start would be the version of windows you are using. Mine is windows 10 pro. Good luck!


SSE is the only thing having an issue working since the update. And it's 10 Pro as well. I've tried launching vanilla as well. Still nothing.


100% CPU (or Graphics, or Memory) are usually related to one or more applications that are running in the background. (often it's something like Cortana, or Windows update, or Windows security, although there are plenty of others that can "go awry") As Indiao21 suggested, you would probably do better by asking elsewhere, but I'll give you a pointer for tracking at least part way to solution.

  1. open the task manager.
  2. click on the processes tab
  3. find the column named CPU.
  4. click the header (CPU) to bring the biggest drain to the top of the running application list
  5. open a browser
  6. type the name of the application shown, then add the phrase "100% CPU usage"
  7. click enter and it should return some link that says "fix CPU usage errors for (blah blah).exe" or something like that.

That was actually the first thing I did. I'm still researching the issue from that angle. Still nothing.


Edited by NordicPherret
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