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I recommend using Nexus Mod Manager, then you just have to click "Download with manager" button and it does the magic.


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/modmanager/ Here's the magic.


Also, you could describe it a bit closer, what you mean you don't get usable results?

Are you using browser download or what? And what version of skyrim? (CD, non-steam, steam version etc.)

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Windows for some reason likes to automatically put manually downloaded files in the

C:\Users\username\downloads folder instead of where you expect them to be.


UNLESS you have changed the default downloads location either in Windows or in your browser.


Step by step:

Using NMM - first you must have the NMM (Nexus Mod Manager) installed http://skyrim.nexusm...ods/modmanager/

1, Find the mod you want

2. Click on the green 'Download with Manager'.

3. Done


Now, open the NMM program to install and manage your mods -

tutorials for using NMM: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Category:NMM :thumbsup:


Manually - while NMM is not needed for this method, more computer knowledge is needed. This is how we did it before NMM. :rolleyes:


1. Find the mod you want

2. Click on the green 'Downloads'

3. scroll down and find the Main Files section - for most mods there will be only one, but there are exceptions for more complex mods - pick the one that looks most likely or has the newest date

4. Click on the 'or download manually'

5. Follow the directions for downloading with your particular browser - typically select a place to download to and click something to start the download.

6. Now that you have a download, open that folder and check the readme for that mod to see how to get it into your game. (if the author even included one) Usually, extract the zipped mod file into the game data folder.

7. Go into the in game data (in the main menu for Skyrim) - you should see your mod (some mods will not show if they are only a texture replacer) if you do see your mod, click on the empty box, a check should appear in the box. Now your mod is active and should work in the game.

8. PLAY :dance: - NMM is far easier for people new to mods. :thumbsup:

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I recommend using Nexus Mod Manager, then you just have to click "Download with manager" button and it does the magic.


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/modmanager/ Here's the magic.


Also, you could describe it a bit closer, what you mean you don't get usable results?

Are you using browser download or what? And what version of skyrim? (CD, non-steam, steam version etc.)

I think it's working. Thanks.

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