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Dawnguard animation problems!


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well first off i am having a list of problems when it comes to dawnguard they are as follows


crossbow animation bug - i am able to wield the crossbow but cant sue it all i can do is left punch.

gargoyle animation bug - gargoyles just float and move towards me but do not do anything else

vampire lord bug - i am able to transform into a vampire lord without problems but i can not use blood magics or go to ground level for melee attacks.


and before you ask i have done a full clean install (wiped any trace of skyrim via registry) i have removed every mod i have except unofficial skyrim patch and dawnguard patch and SKSE (latest version) and FNIS ( latest version) i am currently running skyrim version 1.8 (latest i could get to date) i have also started this from a new save not a previous one


i have also tried deleting all animations from meshes folder and redone them with the FNIS but still no luck!


can someone with a bit more experience with these types of problems please give any other ideas to fix this damn crap!?!?! i have run out of ideas completely.




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It might actually be FNIS that may be the cause in this case, at least for the crossbow (and perhaps for the gargoyle issue too). As far as I know and seen in the forum and elsewhere, FNIS have caused various of animation bugs with the 1.8 patch. Not sure if they have made a FNIS-Fix yet, but removing FNIS completely have solved various of animations issues.


So, yeah, try remove FNIS and see how it goes.

Edited by Mekii
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Thanks for the input Mekii but unfortunately i was having these problems before i had even installed FNIS as it has only been installed on my system for a few days and i have been having these bugs since i acquired dawnguard several months back. also when i was looking through my animation files i noticed there isnt even a crossbow animation file. this was before and after FNIS, is there someway to seperatly download these animation files without the use of FNIS?
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Have you tried to verify the cache with steam? If files may be missing it might restore them. That is what I can come up with

at this time.

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Dude I got this problem too, I have tried removing the default file for a fix but that didn't work. Then I noticed my horse combat wasn't working. I fixed this problem by removing all mods that used any version of FNIS before 3.0. The problem you and I have is because your DLC was not downloaded through Steam. I've made progress by unpacking all the Skyrim BSA's (I did it by using Fallout Mod Manager if you don't know how) and then manually overiting all animation files related to crossbow and default animation.


Now all I got to do is find the right configuration of animation files.


Edit: make sure you have the latest update

Edited by Tayot84
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  • 2 months later...

i have this problem too. fixed the problem of the crossbow by deleting the characters file and re-extracting it. i tried it with gargoyle and v lord but didnt work

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So the FNIS could be causing an animation bug in my so that my followers don't use weapons and don't attack or attack but don't holster weapons anymore and then just run around enemy without even touching them

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