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Dawnguard animation problems!


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after updating FNIS to latest version all my animation problems seems to be fixed, but need to test it more to see if it is compatible with Dragonborn dlc

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  • 2 years later...

well first off i am having a list of problems when it comes to dawnguard they are as follows


crossbow animation bug - i am able to wield the crossbow but cant sue it all i can do is left punch.

gargoyle animation bug - gargoyles just float and move towards me but do not do anything else

vampire lord bug - i am able to transform into a vampire lord without problems but i can not use blood magics or go to ground level for melee attacks.


and before you ask i have done a full clean install (wiped any trace of skyrim via registry) i have removed every mod i have except unofficial skyrim patch and dawnguard patch and SKSE (latest version) and FNIS ( latest version) i am currently running skyrim version 1.8 (latest i could get to date) i have also started this from a new save not a previous one


i have also tried deleting all animations from meshes folder and redone them with the FNIS but still no luck!


can someone with a bit more experience with these types of problems please give any other ideas to fix this damn crap!?!?! i have run out of ideas completely.




I'm having the same crossbow and Gargoyle bugs =( Does anyone know how to fix them?

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