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Need help with a simple script


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I want to disable some and enable other objects in my mod when a certain quest (MS14) completes (200 is last stage). So i set the parent of all of them as an xmarker, and the checked the "set enable state to opposite of parent" box for objects that i want to be disabled at first (not the "initially disabled" box). Then i wrote a simple script that would disable the parent xmarker whenever MS14 is completed, but the script won't compile and throws this message:


cannot call the member function getstage alone or on a type, must call it on a variable
No output generated for RedBagsMorthalBurntHouseScript, compilation failed.

This is my script:


Scriptname RedBagsMorthalBurntHouseScript extends ObjectReference  

ObjectReference Property RedBagBurntHouseXMarkerREF Auto

Event OnCellLoad()
if MS14.getstage() == 200


The objects that i want to have disabled at first are indeed disabled, but when i complete the quest nothing happens, the disabled ones stay disabled, and enabled ones stay enabled.


Another question, is OnCellLoad a good event or should i use something else?


Edited by RedBag
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