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Issue with grass


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Hi everyone,


I've got a lots of mod installed, but I noticed this problem after installing Dawnguard. The first time I was in the forgotten valley near a frozen river.


We are between Whiterun's stables and the bridge. The pictures about the grass near the water are taken moving around the same object. While moving the grass changes appearance... rock texture, branches, black, and whatever...


Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4


I've got the latest versions of Vurt and lush grass. Have you got any idea about why in the hell the texture changes along with my position around the piece of grass???


Many THANKS in advance.

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First of all, thank you for your reply.


Well, I deleted everything in:


- textures/landscape/grass

- meshes/landscape/grass


and then installed Vurt again (just vurt, no lush grass). Same issue.


I only would like to know which kind of resource (mesh, texture or whatever) would cause somethink like this. The texture of this kind of grass is not always the same (like the pictures) and that's driving me crazy.


Maybe an ENB related issue??

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Yeah it could be ENB related, but was it any diffrent after you un-installed the flora mods? and tested it?

are they up to date and is your skyrim up to date?

you could also try out a new ENB to see if there is any relation to the ENB here


perhaps try out this


ENBSerius V0.119 by Boris Vorotsov,




is a ENB i am using togheter with


Cinematically Realistic ENB by Tywele




Try out the V0.119 only at first if you wanna try out another ENB, it would ben ice to know if there is any issue with the ENB

one more thing, as you had a problem with grass, and used a mod by Vurt, was it the


Skyrim Flora Overhaul by vurt ??



i am using al the mods mentioned above and no problem for me, but its the only Flora mod for me so no conflict possabilities for me


Lets hope we can solve this for you,:thumbsup:

it must be very frustreting to see the world like that,



Oh btw, you dont have any Lightning mod or Weather mod installed? it totally messes with Skyrim Flora Overhaul by vurt

Edited by Shadiva
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Skyrim and mods up to date. I'm using Matso ENB with 0.119 wrapper as said in Matso readme.


As you said I tried to launch skyrim without Vurt Flora Overhaul (both .esp and loose file) and the place looks like this picture ... the grass simply vanished.


I installed Vurt's texture & meshes but not the .esp and everything works fine. I'm going to contact Vurt about this. Thank you for your help!

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