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Creating Blade Recruits


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So I have been creating a Blades specific followers mod. I have made my followers and all but I want to be able to recruit them into the blades.


In factions I have added "BladesRecruitFaction" on 0. I assume this is the faction they should be under but it does not seem to work. Any suggestions.


Help would be most appreciative.



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Sorry for only gessing here, as im not experianced with follower mods that much, but cant you just check out Lydia or any other vanilla follower to see what they have?:blush:


That's what I thought too, but when I tried to find any of the followers like Lydia or any of the Houscarls in the CK, I can't find them. It's like they are hidden away so I don't break the game. I have no doubt there is a way to find them but if there is, I don't know it. I'm pretty new to this Modding malarchy too.


Thanks for the suggestion though. I appreciate it.

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Ah then perhaps try a follower mod and see what it contains and ask for help from them?





Fabulous Followers - 5 Redguard Girls - NO Other Mods Reqd by Natilde






Natilde is a very sweet Nexus member and have helped me severel times :wub:




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Yes a sound idea! it gets hard for everyone like that, not being able to see the results, even if it dident work / did work, we still need the info to get the best possible solution :thumbsup:



That's certainly worth a go.


thanks for the suggestion. I will make sure I post the solution if I come across it. I hate it when people don't do that.

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