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Sound Delays and Slow Loading Times


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You know that familiar "THOOM" noise that occurs when you click something in a menu, such as the Continue button on the opening screen or the "wait" button on the waiting menu? Well lately I've noticed a delay between actually clicking on the button and hearing the "thoom", about 3 to 5 seconds or so. This also (sometimes) happens when I pull out a weapon: my dagger would appear in my hand on-screen, but I wouldn't hear the lovely "shing" sound until about 3 seconds later. I used to think it was because something was happening that would slow down the game for a moment, like a big fight between several NPCs or something, but no- it happens even if I'm in an empty room with nothing going on.


I also noticed that the loading time has slowed down as well. It used to be that I could fast-travel from one end of the map to the next and only have to wait maybe 15 seconds, tops. But now, even if all I'm doing is heading inside Arcadia's Cauldron, I have to wait for almost a full minute. I'm a busy Dragonborn; I can't waste time faffing about a loading screen, watching an enchanting table slowly move back and forth against a foggy background while the game kindly informs me that I move slower with my weapon drawn.


Here are my specs, if that makes any difference:


Model: Toshiba Satellite P755


CPU: Intel® Core™ i3-2330M CPU @ 2.20GHz


RAM: 6.00 GB


System Type: 64-bit Operating System

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