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Clear Underwater Question


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So, I have to preface with two things: 1) I am NOT a modder but okay with working intermediate computer stuff. 2) I don't want to admit it, but I have an irrational fear of deep water.


So, as mildly ashamed as I may be, I want to enjoy several underwater mods, however, I get a bit jittery and uncomfortable enough with the underwater fog that it is hampering my enjoyment of the game. Meaning, because of this irrational fear, I have not been able to complete any quests that require me to go into any depth of water in game where I cannot see the bottom.


There use to be a mod for Skyrim that would make the underwater almost predestine clear, to where I was able to see the bottom of the Sea of Ghosts without having to dive very deep. I have tried to play with the INI file and looked at several recent mods that make the water look AMAZING. But there is still a fog, no matter what I have tried.


I know it's a big question, but I was wondering if someone might be able to help me with this. I wish I could get over this silly little fear of mine, but I really want to enjoy all that Depths of Skyrim and Beasts of Tamriel can give me. I'm suspecting at some point that this is not something that can happen, but thank you in advance for any advice.

Also, a quick edit: I have tried the console command TWS, but it doesn't last very long before the game reloads all the water textures.

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Sadly, the mod that I was going to strongly suggest is no longer available. :confused:


So * IF * you have not already tried:


Pure Waters: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17328


If you tried that, I'm not sure what to recommend, short of ... well get a water walking spell. I know, was not what you were looking for.

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Sadly, the mod that I was going to strongly suggest is no longer available. :confused:


So * IF * you have not already tried:


Pure Waters: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17328


If you tried that, I'm not sure what to recommend, short of ... well get a water walking spell. I know, was not what you were looking for.

Thank you so much. I know, there was a "clear water" mod that made it absolutely clear. Thank you though. I'll just have to avoid deeper waters. :)

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You could try to "revert" the changes other people made to their ini files in order to get rid of totally clear water. I did a google search for sykrim underwater imagespace and got quite some hits. Here's just one you could try:



By the way, I am afraid of heights and even in computer games I feel really uncomfortable whenever my character has to climb up high and exposed places. You're not alone...

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Guest deleted80903

I'm not a modder either, just a power mod user (400+). From what I understand, the underwater fog is related to the Depth of Field setting; if you turn it off, you should have clear water. I'm not 100% sure about this (I prefer murky water myself and haven't tried it). You could possibly even grab the excellent mod DYNAVISION which lets you tweak your Depth of Field settings from an MCM menu in-game (don't know how mod-savvy you are).


There may be other factors involved here though. In Oldrim, ENBs or mods like Skyrim Reloaded had unpredictable effects on water clarity sometimes.


I share your phobia, too, I should mention. I dislike heights, depths, space, and the whole idea of zero gravity; it's all super terrifying. So of course, being me, I go out of my way to face these fears. I got my SCUBA certification via a PDIC course at my local university. Now THAT was an experience I would highly recommend. I figure these things are like driving and biking, you get used to them if you give it a try. Or you can experiment with them via video games. I'm sure you would just LOOOOOOVE Subnautica... ;P

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Water is also affected by fogs so maybe removing fogs could help. Tweaking your ENB can also help, you can reduce muddiness or reflection there if you're using one. Only textures (so a water mod that fits your taste) can help you on vanilla though.

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