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Fallout Halo


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Hello. Could you recommend me some mods that would fit the theme I want the game to be?

First, I want to make the character into a Spartain. So is there some mod that would change character progression closer to becoming a Spartain? Like when I level up, I need to go get genetic modifications.

Second, I need Halo Marines, ODST and Spartain weapons and armor. Preffer that it would be hard to make more powerfull armors and weapons.

Third, Is to get the Minuteman wear the equipment I want them to wear, so to make Marines and some ODST.

Fourth, a mod that adds more futuristic settlement (preffer Halo) objects.

Fifth, make some settlements into "resource mines". Like a settlement provides some sort of resources for the main base.

More ideas and recommendations are welcome.



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