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CTD help


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I hope this is the right place to post this question. I am getting CTD when approaching various locations, or sometimes when shooting my bow. Very frustrating. I have unchecked all mods,load,save, and reload, but still get ctd. Please help.
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I hope this is the right place to post this question. I am getting CTD when approaching various locations, or sometimes when shooting my bow. Very frustrating. I have unchecked all mods,load,save, and reload, but still get ctd. Please help.


You could try this stabilizer mod, it's getting some attention atm. follow the instructions to the letter, you'll need Skyrim version 1.1.21 and Skyrim Script Extender

( http://skse.silverlock.org/) version 1.1 installed before installing it.


Hope it helps, anythings worth trying.

Edited by Fulcrum2
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