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Game gets stuck during opening scene


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My opening scene doesn't even involve the horse moving at all. The horse has moving animation but neither it or the cart moves. I usually just quit the game when I see that the cart is still immobile on start up but today I waited to see if something would happen. The dialogue script is fine until Ralof says "A Nord's last thoughts should be of home" a couple seconds later the horse kind of jolts, forward a bit then isn't moving again and then the FREAKING CART TIPS THE HELL OVER!!! I'm lying there unable to move and Ralof, Ulfric, and the thief sit on their seats in the tipped cart like nothing happened

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  • 7 months later...

i've discovered problems caused by Conviene Horse or any mod that modify horse & rider annimation. Just active those after u finish the helgen tutorial

Just make sure before begin fist scene of new game FNIS report no annimation issue okay

May this post helpful someday

Edited by infinitywolf1
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  • 2 years later...

I know this is an old thread bit I ran into a similar issue.


I'm having new twist with the getting stuck at the execution scene bug I have seen posted here. From what I gather this is called the Unbound quest but I may be wrong.


Unlike the other posts my character walks up to the block but then never bends over. dragon never arrives to cause chaos, just stand there waiting. left game running during work today and the scene never started.


One thing I noticed with this is the imperial that reads off the names (Hadvar I think) never speaks and is in a different location than normal


I'm running about 120 mods and everything ran perfectly on the in progress game I used to test things out. only running into problems now that I'm trying to start from the beginning. Rather than sort through them one by one I was wondering if there is a console command i can try to progress the scene and make the dragon arrive.


I found that console command setstage mq101 100 actually sets the stage at the dragon arrival and forces the game to continue

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