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Dead Thrall Ring?


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I'm probably one of a few people who actually doesn't mind the moan NPC's make when raised from the dead, as a matter of fact I prefer a thrall for my Necromancer playthroughs over followers however I am limited on what I can do with a thrall over a follower. Too keep the immersion would anyone be able to create a ring or necklace that overnights the normal speech of an NPC in favour of their dead thrall moan?


Nothing quite breaks the immersion like killing Uthgerd the Unbroken, raising her as my thrall, renaming her to Uthgerd the Broken, have her carry out my evil deeds only to then not be able to order my thrall back to my house and await further orders.


Keeping a follower alive would allow the use of some of the great follower mods out there however instead of the follower using regular speech they use the corresponding moan.


Can anyone help with this one?

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