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Engine Bug concerning summoning spells. Workaround?


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I have created a rather nice "Summon skeleton" spell.


It summons a Skeleton warrior that scales equipment and skill according to conjuration level.


e. g. Conjuration 14 = 1-Handed-sword-skeleton

Conjuration 15 = 2-Handed-sword-skeleton


The spell runs 5 Minutes


So far so good. BUT:


Conjuration-Skill increases the FIRST time conjured creatures enter a fight. (hardcoded)


When the skeleton gets killed after 30 seconds, the effects are no longer shown in the character menu, BUT the spell seems to run for 4:30 Minutes in the background.


BECAUSE: When the skeleton dies after 30 seconds, when you have conjuration 14 und you continue the fight with a "raise zombie" spell (also increases conjuration) and THEN conjuration increases to 15 the Zombie will die and a 2-handed-sword-skeleton will appear in the place where you first summond a skeleton, because the spell did run invisible in the background und was triggered by raising conjuration from 14 to 15.


Is there a way to COMPLETLY end a conjuration spell when the summond creature gets killed?


THX for reading until there.


Greetings Christian

Edited by christianerding
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